Spot the mistake

These are the ways of the world: Spot the mistake: 

Project = Emergency. Payment Terms = 60 to 90 days

We all know the deal. Most projects are due for yesterday. Clients on our backs, constant emails, we can’t pay this much, pretty please and a bunch of hypocritical excuses, while we work like maniacs to meet insane deadlines for often a mere pittance.

But when it’s all set and done, should we have a question regarding our daily bread, only silence replies. 

These are the ways of the world. Everyone looks after him/herself. Each to their own and nevermind the disposable poor sods who worked so hard for a few breadcrumbs. 

Fortunately not all of us belong to this world but we are a minority. 

Most clients have such little faith. No matter your qualifications and experience, countless free tests must be performed. 

Imagine walking into a computer shop to have your laptop mended and asking for a free job just to test the technicians providing the service. We’d be kicked out on the spot! Yet, as writers, translators, voice-over actors, subtitlers and whatever else we may be specialized in, we have to comply with a smile, work till we drop and often wait far too long to be paid, when we get paid that is... 

Some unscrupulous souls are quite happy to use our free tests to get their projects done. Others provide you with hundreds of pages of instructions in order to earn a few dollars to contribute to AI. 

AI projects and assessments are spreading like venomous mushrooms. Countless tests to be undertaken, tons of instructions to be read, only to discover that THE task is deficient, unworkable or non existent. An utter waste of time and energy.

I wish business were fairer. I wish people cared more. 

Some do and I’m so thankful for their work ethics. 

As to those others with big mouths, smooth talking and long piercing teeth, I try to avoid them as much as possible. 

If they would at least pay us in emergency mode as we deal with their work…

I refuse to be reduced to little black filament on a virtual page. ‘I’ exist, ‘I’ invest myself, ‘I’ do my best for you. 

And ‘I’ expect the same from you in return. And if you do, this will mark the beginning of a long and fruitful collab where you can expect the best from me at all times. 


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